Chapter 11 Exercise solutions
11.1 Getting started
11.1.1 Install the tools
No solution for this one.
11.2 Toolbox
11.2.1 Résumé
No solution for this one.
11.3 Basic R
11.3.1 Math in the console
## [1] 42
## [1] 42
## [1] 42
## [1] 144
## [1] 16
## [1] 0.164
11.3.2 First look at functions
Answer: paste()
and paste0()
. The difference lies in the separator, which is an empty string in paste0()
and one space in paste()
. Moreover, the separator can be configured in paste()
using the sep =
## [1] "welcome to R"
## [1] "welcome to R"
Answer: abs()
returns the absolute value. Simply put, a number with the minus sign removed if present.
## [1] 20
## [1] 20
Answer: it combines (concatenates) its arguments into a single vector. The first example creates a “character” (text data) and the second a “numeric” (numeric data).
## [1] "1" "2" "a"
## [1] "character"
## [1] 1 2 3
## [1] "numeric"
#install it. Note the quotes
#load it into your session. Note the absence of quotes
11.3.3 Variables
## [1] 30
## [1] 8000
## [1] 24.5
## [1] 191
## [1] 2.3
11.3.4 Vectors
The circumference of a circle is \(2\pi\cdot r\), its surface \(4\pi \cdot r^2\) and its volume \(4/3 \pi\cdot r^3\). Given this vector of circle radiuses,
Calculate their cirumference.
## [1] 0.00 6.28 12.57 19.74 25.13
Calculate their surface.
## [1] 0.0 12.6 50.3 124.0 201.1
Calculate their volume.
## [1] 0.00 4.19 33.51 129.88 268.08
Creating vectors
Create the following vectors, as efficiently as possible. The functions rep()
, seq()
and paste0()
and the colon operator :
can be used, in any combination.
[1] 1 2 5 1 2 5
## [1] 1 2 5 1 2 5
[1] 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5
## [1] 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5
[1] 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9
## [1] 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9
[1] "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e" "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e"
## [1] "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e" "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e"
[1] "0z" "0.2y" "0.4x" "0.6w" "0.8v" "1u"
## [1] "0z" "0.2y" "0.4x" "0.6w" "0.8v" "1u"
[1] "505" "404" "303" "202" "101" "000"
## [1] "505" "404" "303" "202" "101" "000"
G [Challenge]
[1] "0.5A5.0" "0.4B4.0" "0.3C3.0" "0.2D2.0" "0.1E1.0"
## [1] "0.5A5.0" "0.4B4.0" "0.3C3.0" "0.2D2.0" "0.1E1.0"
11.3.5 Stair walking and heart rate
#number of steps on the stairs
stair_height <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35)
#heart rate after ascending the stairs
heart_rate <- c(66, 65, 67, 69, 73, 79, 86, 97)
plot(heart_rate ~ stair_height,
main = "Heart rate versus stair height",
xlab = "number of steps",
ylab = "heart rate (beats/minute)",
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
col = "blue")
11.3.6 More subjects
#number of steps on the stairs
stair_height <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35)
#heart rates for subjects with normal weight
heart_rate_1 <- c(66, 65, 67, 69, 73, 79, 86, 97)
heart_rate_2 <- c(61, 61, 63, 68, 74, 81, 89, 104)
#heart rates for obese subjects
heart_rate_3 <- c(58, 60, 67, 71, 78, 89, 104, 121)
heart_rate_4 <- c(69, 73, 77, 83, 88, 96, 102, 127)
plot(x = stair_height,
y = heart_rate_1,
main = "Heart rate vs stair height",
xlab = "number of steps",
ylab = "heart rate (beats/min.)",
type = "b",
lwd = 2,
col = "green",
ylim = c(55, 130))
points(x = stair_height,
y = heart_rate_2,
col = "green",
type = "b",
lwd = 2)
points(x = stair_height,
y = heart_rate_3,
col = "red",
type = "b",
lwd = 2)
points(x = stair_height,
y = heart_rate_4,
col = "red",
type = "b",
lwd = 2)
Yes! there is a better more efficient way to do this, but we have not dealt with that yet.
11.3.7 Chickens on a diet
time <- c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21)
chick_1 <- c(42, 51, 59, 64, 76, 93, 106, 125, 149, 171, 199, 205)
chick_2 <- c(40, 49, 58, 72, 84, 103, 122, 138, 162, 187, 209, 215)
chick_3 <- c(42, 53, 62, 73, 85, 102, 123, 138, 170, 204, 235, 256)
chick_4 <- c(41, 49, 61, 74, 98, 109, 128, 154, 192, 232, 280, 290)
plot(x = time, y = chick_1,
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
col = "blue",
ylim = c(40, 300))
points(x = time, y = chick_2,
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
lty = 3,
col = "blue")
points(x = time, y = chick_3,
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
lty = 1,
col = "red")
points(x = time, y = chick_4,
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
lty = 3,
col = "red")
11.3.8 Chicken bar plot
maxima <- c(max(chick_1), max(chick_2), max(chick_3), max(chick_4))
names = c("Chick 1","Chick 2","Chick 3","Chick 4"),
ylab = "Maximum weight (grams)",
col = "gold",
main = "Maximum chick weights")
11.3.9 Discoveries
main = "great discoveries per year",
xlab = "number of discoveries",
ylab = "frequency",
col = "green")
xlab = "year",
ylab = "number of discoveries",
main = "Great discoveries",
col = "blue",
lwd = 2)
11.3.10 Lung cancer
total.col <- "red"
m.col <- "blue"
f.col <- "green"
main = "deaths from lung cancer",
xlab = "year",
ylab = "number",
col = total.col,
ylim = c(0, 4000),
lwd = 2
lines(fdeaths, col = f.col, lwd = 2)
lines(mdeaths, col = m.col, lwd = 2)
legend = c("total", "female", "male"),
col = c(total.col, f.col, m.col),
lty = 1)
ANSWER: You can see a single outlier in the fdeaths
set. We can identify the year by finding out when this occurred:
## [1] 1141
## [1] 26
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 1974 901 689 827 677 522 406 441 393 387 582 578 666
## 1975 830 752 785 664 467 438 421 412 343 440 531 771
## 1976 767 1141 896 532 447 420 376 330 357 445 546 764
## 1977 862 660 663 643 502 392 411 348 387 385 411 638
## 1978 796 853 737 546 530 446 431 362 387 430 425 679
## 1979 821 785 727 612 478 429 405 379 393 411 487 574
So this was February 1976. A quick Google search turned up a pdf document “CDC Influenza Surveillance” that states
“The 1975-1976 influenza season was noteworthy because of several events. a) An H3N2 influenza virus (A/Victoria/3/75), isolated first in April 1975, caused a wide- spread epidemic late in the influenza season in the United States. Based on pneumonia- and influenza-associated mortality which peaked in February and March 1976, this was the most severe epidemic experienced by the United States since the 1968-1969 Hong Kong epidemic.”
As you may know, (lung) cancer patients are especially vulnerable for influenza infections.
11.4 Complex datatypes
11.4.1 Creating factors
animal_risk <- c(2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1)
animal_risk_factor <- factor(x = animal_risk,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
labels = c("harmless", "risky", "dangerous", "deadly"),
ordered = TRUE)
wealth_male <- sample(x = letters[1:4],
size = 1000,
replace= TRUE,
prob = c(0.7, 0.17, 0.12, 0.01))
wealth_female <- sample(x = letters[1:4],
size = 1000,
replace= TRUE,
prob = c(0.8, 0.15, 0.497, 0.003))
wealth_labels <- c("poor", "middle class", "wealthy", "rich")
wealth_male_f <- factor(x = wealth_male,
levels = letters[1:4],
labels = wealth_labels,
ordered = TRUE)
wealth_female_f <- factor(x = wealth_female,
levels = letters[1:4],
labels = wealth_labels,
ordered = TRUE)
wealth_all_f <- factor(c(wealth_male_f, wealth_female_f),
levels = 1:4,
labels = wealth_labels,
ordered = TRUE)
prop.table(table(wealth_all_f)) * 100
## wealth_all_f
## poor middle class wealthy rich
## 63.65 12.45 23.35 0.55
#getting this data right may be a bit of a challenge...
bar_data <- rbind(table(wealth_female_f), table(wealth_male_f))
rownames(bar_data) <- c("female", "male")
barplot(bar_data, beside = T, legend = rownames(bar_data))
11.4.2 A dictionary with a named vector
codons <- c("G", "P", "K", "S")
names(codons) <- c("GGA", "CCU", "AAA", "AGU")
my_prot <- ""
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nchar(my_DNA), by = 3)) {
codon <- substr(my_DNA, i, i+2)
my_prot <- paste0(my_prot, codons[codon])
## [1] "GPKS"
11.4.3 Protein concentrations with Lowry
# Your code here
plot(dilution$abs ~ dilution$prot_conc,
main = "Absorbance as a function of protein concentration",
xlab = "Protein concentration (mg/ml)",
ylab = "Absorbance at 750 nm (AU)",
ylim = c(0,1),
col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5),
pch = 19,
cex = 0.8,
type = "b")
even <- dilution[c(T, F), ]
odd <- dilution[c(F, T), ]
dilution_duplo <- cbind(odd, even)
## prot_conc absorption prot_conc absorption
## 2 0.000 0.033 0.000 0.063
## 4 0.025 0.181 0.025 0.160
## 6 0.075 0.352 0.075 0.346
## 8 0.125 0.488 0.125 0.491
## 10 0.175 0.595 0.175 0.597
## 12 0.250 0.742 0.250 0.743
## prot_conc abs1 abs2
## 2 0.000 0.033 0.063
## 4 0.025 0.181 0.160
## 6 0.075 0.352 0.346
## 8 0.125 0.488 0.491
## 10 0.175 0.595 0.597
## 12 0.250 0.742 0.743
## prot_conc abs1 abs2 mean
## 2 0.000 0.033 0.063 0.048
## 4 0.025 0.181 0.160 0.170
## 6 0.075 0.352 0.346 0.349
## 8 0.125 0.488 0.491 0.489
## 10 0.175 0.595 0.597 0.596
## 12 0.250 0.742 0.743 0.742
barplot(dilution_duplo$mean ~ dilution_duplo$prot_conc,
main = "Absorbance as a function of protein concentration",
xlab = "Protein concentration (mg/ml)",
ylab = "Absorbance 750nm (AU)",
ylim = c(0, 1),
col = "darkgreen")
11.4.4 HPLC data
co <- c(100, 100, 75, 75, 50, 50, 25, 25, 10, 10, 5, 5)
pa <- c(1969017, 1858012, 1399762, 1449423, 963014, 832137, 467856, 562012, 200123, 145545, 94567, 64752)
# Your code here
plot(hplc_data$peak_area ~ hplc_data$conc,
main = "Peak area as a function of thymol concentration",
xlab = "Thymol concentration (μg/ml)",
ylab = "Peak area (AU)",
col = "blue")
reg_mod = lm(hplc_data$peak_area ~ hplc_data$conc)
abline(reg_mod, col = "red", lwd = 2)
11.4.5 Airquality
plot(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Temp,
main = "Temperature as a function of Solar radiation",
xlab = "Solar radiation (lang)",
ylab = "Temperature (F)")
abline(lm(airquality$Temp ~ airquality$Solar.R), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
with(datasets::airquality, {
m <- factor(Month, levels = 5:9, labels =[5:9])
boxplot(Temp ~ m,
main = "Temperature over the months",
xlab = "Month",
ylab = "Temperature (F)")})
#first create Temp Celcius column:
#(°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C
airquality$Temp.C <- (airquality$Temp - 32) * 5/9
#get the required data
airquality[airquality$Temp.C == min(airquality$Temp.C), c("Temp.C", "Month", "Day")]
## Temp.C Month Day
## 5 13.3 May 5
hist(airquality$Wind, xlab = "Wind speed (mph)")
abline(v = mean(airquality$Wind), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
abline(v = median(airquality$Wind), col = "red", lwd = 2)
Calculate pairwise correlation.
The Ozone~Temp pair has the strongest correlation. A scatterplot of this pair:
plot(airquality$Ozone ~ airquality$Temp,
xlab = "Temperature (F)",
ylab = "Ozone (ppb)",
col = "blue")
ozone_wind_lm <- lm(airquality$Ozone ~ airquality$Temp)
r_squared <- round(summary(ozone_wind_lm)$r.squared, 2)
abline(ozone_wind_lm, col = "red", lwd = 2)
text(x = 60, y = 125, labels = paste0("R^2 = ", r_squared))

Figure 11.1: Ozone dependency on Temp
11.4.6 File reading practice
File 01
my_dir <- "data/file_reading"
my_file <- "file01.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "#",
header = T,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "ND", = c(1, 3))
File 02
my_file <- "file02.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "$",
header = T,
sep = "\t",
dec = ",",
na.strings = "?", = c(1, 3)
File 03
my_file <- "file03.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "ND", = c(1, 3)
File 04
my_file <- "file04.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = "\t",
dec = ",",
na.strings = "no data", = c(1, 3)
File 05
my_file <- "file05.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "#",
header = T,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "ND", = c(1, 3)
File 06
my_file <- "file06.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "#",
header = T,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "-", = c(1, 3))
File 07
my_file <- "file07.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "#",
header = F,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "-", = c(1, 3))
File 08
my_file <- "file08.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "@",
header = T,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "ND", = c(1, 3))
File 09
my_file <- "file09.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "?", = c(1, 3))
File 10
my_file <- "file10.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = F,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "no data", = c(1, 3))
File 11
my_file <- "file11.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = ";",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "-", = c(1, 3))
File 12
my_file <- "file12.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "-1", = c(1, 3))
File 13
my_file <- "file13.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "$",
header = F,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "?", = c(1, 3))
File 14
my_file <- "file14.txt"
my_path <- paste0(my_dir, "/", my_file)
my_data <- read.table(
comment.char = "$",
header = T,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "no data", = c(1, 3))
File 15
11.4.7 Bird observations
bird_obs <- read.table("data/Observations-Data-2014.csv",
na.strings = "",
quote = "",
comment.char = "")
Apparently, all variables are loaded as a factor; also the Date.start
, Date.end
(should be dates of course), Number
(should be integer
) and Notes
(should be character
) columns. In the original column names there are spaces and these are replaced by dots. First column Species..
is a serial number and the second Species
is the English species name.
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
## Number Count
## 1 Greater White-fronted Goose 1 1
## 2 Greater White-fronted Goose 6 6
## 3 Greater White-fronted Goose 1 1
## 4 Greater White-fronted Goose 1 1
## 5 Greater White-fronted Goose 2 2
## 6 Snow Goose 1 1
## 7 Ross's Goose 1 1
## 8 Ross's Goose 1 1
## 9 Ross's Goose 1 1
## 10 Ross's Goose 1 1
## 11 Brant 3-6 NA
## 12 Brant 1 1
## 13 Brant 300 300
## 14 Brant 1 1
## 15 Brant 3 3
## 16 Brant 2 2
## 17 Brant 9 9
## 18 Cackling Goose 3 3
## 19 Cackling Goose 1 1
## 20 Cackling Goose 1 1
## 21 Cackling Goose 1 1
## 22 Cackling Goose 1 1
## 23 Cackling Goose 3 3
## 24 Trumpeter Swan 6 6
## 25 Tundra Swan 2 2
## 26 Tundra Swan 1 1
## 27 Tundra Swan 2 2
## 28 Tundra Swan 3 3
## 29 Tundra Swan 2 2
## 30 Tundra Swan 1 1
## 31 Tundra Swan 3 3
## 32 Tundra Swan 1 1
## 33 Tundra Swan 145 145
## 34 Tundra Swan 6 6
## 35 Tundra Swan 18 18
## 36 Tundra Swan 3 3
## 37 Wood Duck 1 1
## 38 Gadwall 2 2
## 39 Gadwall 3 3
## 40 Gadwall 1 1
## 41 Eurasian Wigeon 1 1
## 42 American Wigeon 2 2
## 43 American Wigeon 3 3
## 44 American Wigeon 1 1
## 45 American Wigeon 1 1
## 46 American Wigeon 1-2 NA
## 47 American Wigeon 2-5 NA
## 48 Blue-winged Teal 3 3
## 49 Blue-winged Teal 1 1
## 50 Blue-winged Teal 1 1
The factor levels have been converted into integers, not the original values!
#best is to get it right from the start: read with argument
bird_obs <- read.table("data/Observations-Data-2014.csv",
na.strings = "",
quote = "",
comment.char = "", = c(1, 6, 7, 8, 13))
## 'data.frame': 2019 obs. of 13 variables:
## $ Species.. : chr "4" "4" "4" "4" ...
## $ Genus : Factor w/ 166 levels "Accipiter","Agelaius",..: 8 8 8 8 8 38 38 38 38 38 ...
## $ Species : Factor w/ 300 levels "aalge","acuta",..: 11 11 11 11 11 42 235 235 235 235 ...
## $ Factor w/ 329 levels "Acorn Woodpecker",..: 121 121 121 121 121 266 239 239 239 239 ...
## $ CBRC.Review: Factor w/ 3 levels "FALSE","N","Y": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ Date.start : chr "3-Jun-14" "28-Jul-14" "1-Sep-14" "2-Sep-14" ...
## $ Date.end : chr "19-Jun-14" NA NA NA ...
## $ Number : chr "1" "6" "1" "1" ...
## $ Location : Factor w/ 980 levels " Coyote Creek Trail San Jose",..: 629 639 169 503 28 673 503 503 420 420 ...
## $ County : Factor w/ 9 levels "Alameda","Contra Costa",..: 7 4 9 9 3 9 9 9 4 4 ...
## $ Observer.1 : Factor w/ 692 levels "A Sojourner",..: 216 351 544 623 333 623 623 623 323 206 ...
## $ Other.Obs : Factor w/ 157 levels "Aaron Maizlish",..: NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 155 NA ...
## $ Notes : chr "Adult bird seen on golf course grounds with Canada geese!" "Saw 6 along the shoreline of Napa Creek in mid-afternoon. About 10 Mallards also swimming nearby and a Caspia"| __truncated__ NA "This is the only bird that matches up with what I saw. Canada like goose, snow white bum prominent, coloring sl"| __truncated__ ...
##alternatively, convert it after loading:
#bird_obs$Count <- as.numeric(as.character(bird_obs$Number))
Convert Number column to Count of integers.
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
Note that there are other ways to achieve this, e.g. the colClasses
argument to read.table()
#What is the maximum number of birds in a single sighting?
bird_obs[bird_obs$Count == max(bird_obs$Count, na.rm = T), ]
bird_obs[!$Count) & bird_obs$Count == max(bird_obs$Count, na.rm = T), ]
#What is the mean sighting count
mean(bird_obs$Count, na.rm = T)
#What is the median of the sighting count
median(bird_obs$Count, na.rm = T)
Not very helpful, now is it? Try fiddling with the breaks
Better results with a log transformation (and some coloring)
d <- density(log(bird_obs$Count), na.rm=T)
plot(d, main = "density of log-transformed Counts")
polygon(d, col = "red", border = "blue")
The Shapiro test gives us a numeric indication of the fit to a normal distribution:
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: bird_obs$Count
## W = 0.01, p-value <2e-16
The P-value -way below 0.05- indicates this is not a normal distribution. But we’ve seen that already of course.
#How many different species were recorded?
#How many genera do they constitute?
#What species from the genus "Puffinus" have been observed?
#the actual sightings
bird_obs[bird_obs$Genus == "Puffinus", c(2, 3, 4, 6, 14)]
#the species
unique(bird_obs[bird_obs$Genus == "Puffinus", ""])
The challenge
common_names <- unique(bird_obs$
scientific_names <- unique(paste0(bird_obs$Genus, " ", bird_obs$Species))
paste0("number of common names: ", length(common_names), "; number of scientific names: ", length(scientific_names))
## [1] "number of common names: 330; number of scientific names: 325"
So there is something fishy going on. My guess is that one more species has two common names for two subspecies where, of course, there will be only one scientific species name. Which? Dunno. Can you find out?
OK, I couldn’t help myself. I do NOT expect you to be able to do serious mangling like this at the end of this course!
scientific_all <- paste0(bird_obs$Genus, " ", bird_obs$Species)
##combine scientific and common andf make unique
combined <- unique(paste0(scientific_all, ":", bird_obs$
#split it again, and convert to dataframe (strsplit gives a list)
combined_split <- strsplit(x = combined, split = ":")
## Warning in strsplit(x = combined, split = ":"): input string 189 is invalid in
## this locale
combined_split <-, combined_split))
#count frequencies of Scinetific names
combined_split_table <-[,1]))
#where is the count above 1?
combined_split_table[combined_split_table$Freq > 1, ]
## Var1 Freq
## 25 Asio flammeus 2
## 85 Clangula hyemalis 2
## 225 Pterodroma ultima 2
## 292 Tachycineta bicolor 2
## 305 Tyrannus melancholicus 2
And which are tehse as Common Name?
## [1] Asio flammeus Clangula hyemalis Pterodroma ultima
## [4] Tachycineta bicolor Tyrannus melancholicus
## 325 Levels: Accipiter gentilis Accipiter striatus ... Zonotrichia querula
## V1 V2
## 27 Clangula hyemalis Long-tailed Duck
## 28 Clangula hyemalis long-tailed duck
## 45 Pterodroma ultima Murphy's Petrel
## 46 Pterodroma ultima Mute Swan
## 160 Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl
## 161 Asio flammeus short-eared owl
## 201 Tyrannus melancholicus Tropical Kingbird
## 202 Tyrannus melancholicus tropical kingbird
## 220 Tachycineta bicolor Clark's Nutcracker
## 223 Tachycineta bicolor Tree Swallow
Ahhh simple typos, for 3 out of 5, and data entering errors: The cause of so many data analysis problems. Scientific name Pterodroma ultima is certainly not that of the Mute Swan: a data entering error, and the same counts for Tachycineta bicolor: it is the name of the Tree Swallow.
11.5 Functions
11.5.1 The cut()
function I
induc_type <- cut(fold_change,
breaks = c(0, 0.9, 1.1, Inf),
labels = c("repression", "no_change", "induction"),
right = FALSE,
ordered_result = T)
## [1] repression induction no_change induction no_change induction
## [7] no_change repression repression induction induction induction
## Levels: repression < no_change < induction
main = "Gene expression after dihydrotestosterone treatment.",
ylab = "Number of genes",
names = c("repressed", "no change", "induced"),
col = "blue")
11.5.2 The cut()
function II
remote_location <- ""
read.table(remote_location, )
gene_array <- read.table(
header = T,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
na.strings = "", = c(1, 3))
induction_repression <- cut(gene_array$fold_change,
breaks = c(0, 9, 1.1, Inf),
right = F,
labels = c("repression", "no_change", "induction"),
ordered_result = T)
gene_array$induction_repression <-induction_repression
11.6 Regular Expressions
11.6.1 Restriction enzymes
pacI_re <- "TTAATTAA"
patterns <- c("T{2}A{2}T{2}A{2}",
for(ptrn in patterns){
print(grepl(ptrn, pacI_re))
11.6.2 Prosite Patterns
11.7 Scripting
11.7.1 Illegal reproductions
Find match locations
11.7.2 Count odd and even numbers
11.7.3 Add column compared to mean
add_compared_to_mean <- function (df, name) {
if (! {
stop(paste0("'", df, "' is not a dataframe."))
if(! name %in% colnames(df)) {
stop(paste0("'", name, "' is not an existing column."))
if(! is.numeric(df[, name])) {
stop(paste0("'", name, " is not a numeric column."))
the_col <- df[, name]
tmp <- ifelse(the_col > mean(the_col), "greater", "less")
df$compared_to_mean <- tmp
my_df <- data.frame(a = c(2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1, 5), b = rep(c("x", "y"), 4))
add_compared_to_mean(my_df, "a")
11.7.4 Interquantile ranges
interquantile_range <- function(x, lower = 0, upper = 1) {
if (! is.numeric(x) |
! is.numeric(lower) |
! is.numeric(upper)) {
stop("all three arguments should be numeric")
lower_val <- quantile(x, probs = lower)
upper_val <- quantile(x, probs = upper)
tmp <- upper_val - lower_val
#a named vector is always nice, for acces but also for display purposes
names(tmp) <- paste0(lower*100, "-", upper*100, "%")
tst <- rnorm(1000)
interquantile_range(tst) # 0 to 1
interquantile_range(tst, 0.25, 0.75) # custom
#interquantile_range("foo") # error!
11.7.5 Vector distance
distance <- function(p, q) {
if (! is.numeric(p) | ! is.numeric(q)) {
stop("non-numeric vectors passed")
if (length(p) != length(q)) {
stop("vectors have unequal length")
sqrt(sum((p - q)^2))
Other distance measures
my_distance <- function(p, q, method = "euclidean") {
if (! (is.numeric(p) & is.numeric(q))) {
stop("One or both of the vectors is not numeric")
if (length(p) != length(q)) {
stop("Vectors are not of equal length")
if (method == "euclidean") {
return(sqrt(sum((p - q)^2)))
else if (method == "manhattan") {
else {
stop(paste0("Method not found: ", method))
my_distance(c(0,0,0), c(1, 1, 1))
## [1] 1.73
11.7.6 Quadratic equation solver
abc_solver <- function(a, b, c) {
discriminant <- (b ^ 2) - (4 * a * c)
if (discriminant < 0) {
return("This quadratic equation can not be solved.")
else if (discriminant > 0) {
x1 <- ((-1 * b) + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
x2 <- ((-1 * b) - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
return(c(x1, x2))
x <- (-1 * b) / (2 * a)
abc_solver(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
abc_solver(a = 3, b = 7, c = 4)
abc_solver(a = 2, b = 4, c = 2)
11.7.7 G/C percentage of DNA
GC_perc <- function(seq, strict = TRUE) {
if ( {
if (length(seq) == 0) {
seq.split <- strsplit(seq, "")[[1]]
gc.count <- 0
anom.count <- 0
for (n in seq.split) {
if (length(grep("[GATUCgatuc]", n)) > 0) {
if (n == "G" || n == "C") {
gc.count <- gc.count + 1
} else {
if (strict) {
stop(paste("Illegal character", n))
} else {
anom.count <- anom.count + 1
##return perc
if (anom.count > 0) {
anom.perc <- anom.count / nchar(seq) * 100
warning(paste("Non-DNA characters have percentage of", anom.perc))
return(gc.count / nchar(seq) * 100)
11.8 Function apply
and its relatives
11.8.1 Whale selenium
whale_sel_url <- ""
whale_selenium <- read.table(whale_sel_url,
header = T,
row.names = 1)
my.sem <- function(x) {
sem <- sd(x) / sqrt(length(x))
apply(X = whale_selenium, MARGIN = 2, FUN = my.sem)
whale_selenium$ratio <- apply(X = whale_selenium,
FUN = function(x){
x[2] / x[1]
xlab = "Tooth / Liver Selenium ratio",
main = "Histogram of Tooth / Liver Selenium ratios")
Inline expressions are like this: 15.4 MpH.
11.8.2 ChickWeight
This exercise revolves around the ChickWeight
dataset of the built-in datasets
## [1] 50
## [1] 50
## [1] 50
## [1] 50
## Diet weight
## 1 1 103
## 2 2 123
## 3 3 143
## 4 4 135
## Diet x
## 1 1 103
## 2 2 123
## 3 3 143
## 4 4 135
This is the “naive” solution:
#A naive for-loop here - is this the best solution?
ChickWeight$weight_gain <- NA #create the column with missing values
for (i in 1:nrow(ChickWeight)) {
#skip first row and rows that are preceded by values for another chick
if (i > 1 && ChickWeight$Chick[i] == ChickWeight$Chick[i-1]) {
ChickWeight[i, "weight_gain"] <- ChickWeight$weight[i] - ChickWeight$weight[i-1]
This is the most efficient way of dealing with this in base R. Function
is out of scope for this course!
weight_gain <- function(x) {
#x is a dataframe
leaded <- c(x$weight)
lagged <- c(NA, x$weight[1:(length(x$weight)-1)])
x$gain <- leaded - lagged
split_cw <- split(x = ChickWeight, f = ChickWeight$Chick)
new_cw <-, lapply(X = split_cw, FUN = weight_gain))
## Grouped Data: weight ~ Time | Chick
## weight Time Chick Diet weight_gain gain
## 18.195 39 0 18 1 NA NA
## 18.196 35 2 18 1 -4 -4
## 16.176 41 0 16 1 NA NA
## 16.177 45 2 16 1 4 4
## 16.178 49 4 16 1 4 4
## 16.179 51 6 16 1 2 2
local_file <- "ChickWeight_weight_gain.Rdata"
download.file(paste0("", local_file), local_file)
ChickWeight$weight_gain <- stored.weight.gain
tapply(X = ChickWeight$weight_gain, INDEX = ChickWeight$Diet, FUN = mean, na.rm = T)
#or with aggregate
aggregate(formula = weight_gain ~ Diet, data = ChickWeight, FUN = median)
#or with split and sapply
sapply(split(ChickWeight[, "weight_gain"], ChickWeight$Diet), sd, na.rm = T)
11.8.3 Food constituents
foods <- read.table(
"", header = T)
#aggregate over Type
mean.fat <- aggregate(formula = ~ Type, data = foods, FUN = mean)
#order and select first
mean.fat[order(mean.fat$, decreasing = T)[1], ]
D <- aggregate(formula = kcal ~ Type, data = foods, FUN = mean)[order($kcal)[1], ][order($kcal, decreasing = T)[1], ]
#more verbose means possible; this efficient way demonstrating use of %in%
foods$solid.state <- !foods$Type %in% c("milk", "beverage")
boxplot(formula = carb.sugar ~ solid.state,
data = foods,
main = "Sugar content of foods categories",
names = (c("Drink", "Solid")),
ylab = "Sugar (g/100g product)")
11.8.4 Urine properties
urine_file_name <- "urine.csv"
url <- paste0("", urine_file_name)
local_name <- paste0("../", urine_file_name) #specifiy your own folder!
download.file(url = url, destfile = local_name)
names(urine)[2] <- "ox_crystals"
urine$ox_crystals <- factor(urine$ox_crystals, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("no", "yes"))
mean_sd <- function(x) {
# returns a named vector
c("mean" = round(mean(x, na.rm = T), 2),
"sd" = round(sd(x, na.rm = T), 2))
apply(X = urine[, 3:8], MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean_sd)
## gravity ph osmo cond urea calc
## mean 1.02 6.03 615 20.90 266 4.14
## sd 0.01 0.72 238 7.95 131 3.26
aggregate(cbind(gravity, ph, osmo, cond, urea, calc) ~ ox_crystals,
data = urine,
FUN = function(x) round(mean(x, na.rm = T), 2))
## ox_crystals gravity ph osmo cond urea calc
## 1 no 1.02 6.13 562 20.6 232 2.63
## 2 yes 1.02 5.93 683 21.4 302 6.20
## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## lowess
cormat <- cor(urine[, 3:8], use = "complete.obs")
heatmap.2(cormat, col = bluered(100), trace = "none", = "none")
ph_factor <- cut(urine$ph,
breaks = c(4.5, 5.5, 7.0, 8.0),
labels = c("acidic", "neutral", "basic"))
urine$ph_factor <- ph_factor
mean_median_sd <- function(x) {
# X is a dataframe!
apply(X = x[3:8],
FUN = function(y) {
# returns a named vector
c("mean" = round(mean(y, na.rm = T), 2),
"median" = median(y, na.rm = T),
"sd" = round(sd(y, na.rm = T), 2))
urine_split <- split(x = urine,
f = urine$ph_factor)
lapply(X = urine_split,
FUN = mean_median_sd)
## $acidic
## gravity ph osmo cond urea calc
## mean 1.02 5.20 690 23.04 298 4.85
## median 1.02 5.25 730 25.30 292 3.19
## sd 0.01 0.23 227 6.52 141 4.19
## $neutral
## gravity ph osmo cond urea calc
## mean 1.02 6.09 605 20.12 272 4.05
## median 1.02 5.98 578 20.60 260 3.46
## sd 0.01 0.42 247 8.56 126 2.93
## $basic
## gravity ph osmo cond urea calc
## mean 1.01 7.51 510 21.51 155.8 3.13
## median 1.02 7.50 547 22.50 112.5 1.75
## sd 0.01 0.38 166 6.12 95.5 3.06
11.8.5 Bird observations revisited
bird_obs <- read.table("data/Observations-Data-2014.csv",
na.strings = "",
quote = "",
comment.char = "", = c(1, 6, 7, 8, 13))
bird_obs$Count <- as.integer(bird_obs$Number)
c.split <- split(x = bird_obs, f = bird_obs$County)
c.counts <- sapply(c.split, nrow)
barplot(c.counts[order(c.counts, decreasing = T)],
main = "Bird observations per county",
ylab = "Observations",
las = 2)
obs.split <- split(x = bird_obs, f = bird_obs$Observer.1)
obs.counts <- sapply(obs.split, nrow)
obs.counts <- obs.counts[obs.counts > 10]
obs.counts[order(obs.counts, decreasing = T)]
g.split <- split(bird_obs, bird_obs$Genus)
g.species <- lapply(g.split, function(x) {
#create ordering
g.species.count <- sapply(g.species, length)
g.order <- order(g.species.count, decreasing = T)
#apply order to list and select only first five
bird_obs$Date.start <- as.Date(bird_obs$Date.start, format = "%d-%b-%y")
date.series <- aggregate(Count ~ Date.start, data = bird_obs, FUN = sum, na.rm = T)
#2024 is an error input, remove it
date.series <- date.series[1:nrow(date.series)-1, ]
plot(x = date.series$Date.start, y = date.series$Count, ylim = c(0, 250))