3. Data: types & operations#

Without data there is not much computing to be done. All programs take data as input and most of them also generate data as output. In between, the data is processed, transformed and summarized.
Input can come from a variety of sources: from file, a database, keyboard, a GUI, web socket and output can go to different destinations as well.
This chapter deals with both the operators that work on data and the different basic data types Python knows about.

There are only a few basic types of data: text and numbers (and booleans). However, data can be aggregated into more complex structures such as collections and objects.

In this chapter we’ll explore the different core data types of Python, both scalar and collection. But first the operators are covered.

3.1. Operators#

Operators come in several flavors. Their purpose is either arithmetic, assignment or comparative. Most operators are binary: they have a left and a right operand on which they operate to produce a result: left_operand OPERATOR right_operand. Below, the left operand will be designated L and the right one R.

3.1.1. Arithmetic#

They all form expressions in this form: L OPERAND R.

  • + to add R to L

  • - to subtract R from L

  • * to multiply R and L

  • / to divide L by R

  • ** to get L to the power R

  • // to floor divide L by R: any decimal part will be chopped off

  • % to get the remainder: what is left after R has been subtracted a maximum number of times from L

Here are some examples for the last three.

print(f'4 to the power 3:    {4**3}')
print(f'4 to the power 0.5:  {4**0.5}')
print(f'Floor divide 7 by 3: {7 // 3}')
print(f'Floor divide 8 by 3: {8 // 3}')
4 to the power 3:    64
4 to the power 0.5:  2.0

Floor divide 7 by 3: 2
Floor divide 8 by 3: 2
print(f'Remainder of 7 divided by 3: {7 % 3}')
print(f'Remainder of 8 divided by 3: {8 % 3}')
print(f'Remainder of 9 divided by 3: {9 % 3}')
Remainder of 7 divided by 3: 1
Remainder of 8 divided by 3: 2
Remainder of 9 divided by 3: 0

3.1.2. Assignment#

Assignment also have this form: L OPERAND R. In all cases, L, which must be a variable name, gets assigned a value from what is on the Right/ Besides the regular = assignment there are some handy shortcut operators:

  • = L gets the value of R

  • += L gets the value of itself plus R (only numeric!)

  • -= L gets the value of itself minus R (only numeric!)

  • *= L gets the value of itself times R (only numeric!)

There is one for every arithmetic operator, but these don’t do well for code readability.

x = 20      # a literal
y = x       # another variable
q = t = 40  # multiple assignment
print(f'x={x} and y={y}')
print(f'q={q} and t={t}')
x=20 and y=20
q=40 and t=40
x = 20
x += 10    # same as x = x + 10
print(f'x = {x}')

y = 20
y *= 5     # same as y = y * 5
print(f'y = {y}')
x = 30
y = 100

3.1.3. Comparisons#

All comparison operators produce boolean values. They have this form: L OPERAND R.

  • == True if R equals L

  • != True if R does not equal L

  • > True if L is greater than R

  • >= True if L is greater than or equal to R

  • < True if L is smaller than R

  • <= True if L is smaller than or equal to R

x = 4
y = 7
print(f'x == y: {x == y}')
print(f'x < y:  {x < y}')
print(f'x >= y: {x >= y}')
x == y: False
x < y:  True
x >= y: False

3.1.4. Logical operators#

The final three are used to combine the comparison operators int more complex expressions, or to negate the result of a comparison. Again they have this form: L OPERAND R, except for the only unary operator in the field: not, which is used as not <boolean>.

  • and yields True only if both L and R are True

  • or yields True if either L or R is True

  • not negates the subsequent boolean

a = True
b = False
print(f'a and b: {a and b}')
print(f'a or b:  {a or b}')
print(f'not a:   {not a}')
a and b: False
a or b:  True
not a:   False

Finally, the are some more keywords the also produce boolean values. They check for identity (a special case of equality) and membership.

This is the identity check:

  • is yields True only if both L and R are the same object.

Note that strings and low numbers are cached, so they sometimes give unexpected behavior.

x = 20
y = 20
print(x is y)

x = 20_000
y = 20_000
print(x is y)

The keyword in checks for membership. The right part of the expression needs to be a collection or iterable (see below):

  • in yields True if L is a member of R.

s1 = 'Roses are red'
s2 = 'red'

print(s2 in s1)
print(s2 not in s1)
print(s1 in s2)

3.1.5. Precedence#

Consider this calculation:

4 + 3 * 2 - 10 / 5

The outcome is 8 because some operators get their turn before others. If their were all simply evaluated left to right, the outcome would have been 0.8. The reason for the result being 8 is operator precedence: the fact that some operators are evaluated before others.
The table below gives the precedence for the most used operators in Python (I omitted bitwise):







*, /, //, %

Multiplication, Division, Floor division, Modulus

+, -

Addition, Subtraction

==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, is, is not, in, not in

Comparisons, Identity, Membership operators


Logical NOT


Logical AND


Logical OR

So to get back to the example, you can always force evaluation using perentheses (note one of these pairs is superfluous):

(((4 + 3) * 2) - 10) / 5

3.2. Data: Base types#

A scalar data type, or just scalar, is any non-collection value. Put differently, a scalar is a singular value. There are just a few different scalar values in basic Python, and they are the same or at least similar across the vast majority of programming languages.

  • Numeric types represent numbers and they come in two flavours.

    • integers have no decimal part (int) e.g. 2, 3, 140000000198

    • floating point numbers do have a decimal part (float) e.g. 3.211, 2.0, 5E-5

  • Text: string data (str) e.g. "It's a wonderful world" or 'What a challenge!'

  • Logical: boolean values (bool) with only two possible values: True and False

(I skipped binary and complex types for conciseness)

3.2.1. Strings are delimited sequences of characters#

The str type holds text data. When you create a string literal in your code, you will need to indicate where it starts and ends. You do that with quotes, either single (') or double ("). They have to be the same at both ends.
That you have two options is convenient when you have literal quotes in your variable, as in these examples.

text1 = 'The boy said "No man is an island" and the man replied "I am bloody Ibiza!"'
text2 = "The lady's bracelet was lost at sea."
The boy said "No man is an island" and the man replied "I am bloody Ibiza!"
The lady's bracelet was lost at sea.

3.2.2. Types and conversions#

Since Python is a dynamically typed language you do not need to specify its type when creating a variable. However, you can inspect the type by using the type() function on any literal or variable.


m = "It's a wonderful world" # You can use single quotes in a double-quoted string, but not double quotes (unless escaped)


print(type(5E5)) #exponents are always floats
<class 'bool'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'float'>

Variables can change type when their value changes:

x = 42

print(f'x is of type {type(x)} and has value {x}')

x = True

print(f'x is of type {type(x)} and has value {x}')
x is of type <class 'int'> and has value 42
x is of type <class 'bool'> and has value True

You can also explicitly change between types, as long as it is a legal conversion.

print(float("42.0"))  # OK
#print(int("42.0"))   # fails
print(int("42"))      # OK
print(bool("42.0"))   # OK - any non-empty string is considered True
print(bool(""))       # OK - an empty string is False
# print(int(""))      # fails

Data from outside is always string!

When reading from the command-line (terminal) or from file, your data will always be character data, even though they are numeric. You always need to do the conversion yourself, unless you use dedicated libraries for reading from file.


Try some conversions yourself.
Figure out why some fail and some do not (sometimes where you expected it), what the result is and what the logic behind the conversion is.
Especially conversions to bool are interesting and very relevant in if <condition>: blocks.

3.2.3. Mathematical operators with strings?#

Yes, some math operators work with strings as well, but not all:

print('Hello, ' + 'world!')
print('Hello, ' * 2)
print('Hello' + 2) # One of the most common Python errors
Hello, world!
Hello, Hello, 
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 3
      1 print('Hello, ' + 'world!')
      2 print('Hello, ' * 2)
----> 3 print('Hello' + 2) # One of the most common Python errors

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

3.3. Data: Collections#

Collection types, also named Container types, are exactly what their name implies; they are collections of other types (scalar or collection). The number of collection types in the base language is limited, and there are only a few that are used in the majority of cases; these are listed here. A very important aspect of collections is that they are iterable: they can be traversed to inspect or access all individual elements.

  • Sequence types These all have elements in a specific order and these can be addressed using the position of the element - its index.

    • list In a list, order matters, and that is why you can fetch elements by their position, starting at zero. Lists can change: you can add and delete elements.

    • tuple The tuple is much like a list, but with a very important distinction: they are immutable. Once created they can’t change.

    • range A range is a series of numbers that can be used for iteration of for creating lists or tuples.

    • (str) Strings behave A LOT like other sequence types!

  • set A set is a collection of unique elements; no duplicates are allowed.

  • dict In a dictionary (in other languages map)there are entries where a (key) is coupled to a corresponding value. So that can be retreived by its key.

Below, common aspects of collections are discussed first. These are slicing and accessing methods via the dot operator (object.method()). Some details of individual collection types are discussed in later sections.

3.3.1. Slicing#

A any sequence type can be considered as a street with houses. The house number identifies a house within the street. In Python these addresses start at zero, but unlike house numbers you can also start from the end, with -1:

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  

You can access a single house, a range of houses or in a pattern. All this is done using slicing. Its general syntax is [start:stop:step].

The step is 1 by default and it is not mandatory, and if start or stop is omitted this means “from the beginning (0)” or “to the end”.
Note that stop is NOT inclusive!
Below the different concepts of slicing are demonstrated.


If you try to access an element (character) that does not exist you will get an IndexError.
Here are some code examples using strings. They work the same in lists and tuples as you will discover.

indexing quirks

Python is zero-based which means ‘addresses’ always start at 0.
In series indexing such as in [,] and range(), the ‘to’-part is always exclusive.
So, [1, 3] will select the second and third element!

Here are some indexing examples.

letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJK'

print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[0] are {letters[0]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[3] are {letters[3]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[-3] are {letters[-3]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[2:6] are {letters[2:6]}')
The character(s) selected by letters[0] are A
The character(s) selected by letters[3] are D
The character(s) selected by letters[-3] are I
The character(s) selected by letters[2:6] are CDEF

And here some slicing examples.

letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJK'

print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[::2] are {letters[::2]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[:] are {letters[:]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[::-2] are {letters[::-2]}')
print(f'The character(s) selected by letters[:-5:-2] are {letters[:-5:-2]}')
The character(s) selected by letters[::2] are ACEGIK
The character(s) selected by letters[:] are ABCDEFGHIJK
The character(s) selected by letters[::-2] are KIGECA
The character(s) selected by letters[:-5:-2] are KI

As you can see, when the step is negative (last 2 examples), start and stop will be “reversed”.
I personally don’t understand this design decision.


Given the string txt = 'aA.bB.cC.dD.eE.fF.gG.hH.zZ', write code using string slicing to print to screen

  • "abcdefgz"

  • "........"


  • 'bC.fG.'

txt = 'aA.bB.cC.dD.eE.fF.gG.hH.zZ'

3.3.2. The dot operator works on objects#

So far I have skipped the point that Python is an Object-Oriented programming language.
Being object-oriented means that everything is being modeled as an entity with data and behaviour (e.g. methods) where the objects’ class holds the blueprint for creating objects (instances) according to that blueprint.

Let’s explore this concept with the string type. In Python, strings have only a single property - their character sequence. They do, however, have many methods.
Properties and methods can both be accessed on an object using the dot operator.
The difference lies in the fact that -unlike properties- methods have parentheses after their name that (optionally) define method arguments.

Here are some examples of methods on string objects.

s1 = "Hello"
print(s1.upper())      # every character to uppercase
print(s1.find("ll"))   # find('str') gives the index where a given substring occurs (or -1 if not present)
print("Hi I am a programmer".split(" "))    # split on space to get a list of words
print('+'.join("ABC")) # combine individual characters with a separator
print(s1.rjust(10))    # right jusitify at 10 characters
print("foo bar baz".title())  # make all first letters of words uppercase. Alternatively, call on the class itself: str.title("foo bar baz")
['Hi', 'I', 'am', 'a', 'programmer']
Foo Bar Baz


Given this variable (use your own name!)

name = 'Michiel Noback'

use any combination of find() and slicing to print only your first name.

name = 'Your Name'
# your code

The dot operator works on all objects in Python. Of course, the set of available methods differs from type to type. For instance, a list does not have upper() and string does not have append().

You may be wondering how you can recognize what is an object and what is not?
Well, that one is simple: everything in Python is an object.

Use the function type() to get the object type of any variable or type. There are (of course) a few exceptions: the reserved keywords of the language do not have a type: and, if, not, for, etc; type help("keywords") or see Python keywords. Here are some built-in and custom types.


#define a custom type
class Foo:

<class 'int'>
<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>
<class 'type'>
<class '__main__.Foo'>

3.3.3. Collection type list: []#

A list is an ordered mutable sequence of elements.

Ordered means that individual elements can be accessed using their index.
Mutable means that lists can be extended, shortened, end elements can be changed (swapped).

As with string objects, slicing is a very important technique for working with them. Accessing elements is done using square brackets []. Here are a few basic operations with lists.

fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi", "pear"]
fruits += ["banana", "plum"]       # extend and overwrite
fruits[2:5] = [] # delete elements 3 - 5
fruits[1:1] = ["grapefruit", "strawberry"]  # insert new elements
# fruits[1] = ["grapefruit", "strawberry"] gives an embedded list!
['apple', 'orange', 'kiwi', 'pear', 'banana', 'plum']
['apple', 'orange', 'plum']
['apple', 'grapefruit', 'strawberry', 'orange', 'plum']


Given the list below, investigate whether list slicing behaves the same as with strings.

fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi", "pear", "banana", "plum"]
#your code Multidimensional lists#

Since you can put any Python data type in a list, it is possible to create a multidimensional list. When it has two dimensions we also call thiis a matrix.

numbers = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
numbers[1]    # gives [3, 4]
numbers[2][1] # gives [6]

Note that Python has dedicated libraries for working with datastructures of this type: Numpy (number crunching) and Pandas (spreadsheet type data), so if you find yourself really getting into this domain you should really check these out. Methods of type list#

Class list als has an extensive collection of methods to apply to lists. Here are just a few. Also, there is the Python builtin len() that will give you the length of any iterable. Again, this is only a glimpse of what is available. Any operation you can think of with lists is probably already implemented, if not in the core data types then for sure in Numpy of Pandas.

fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"] # note the square brackets
fruits.append(["banana", "plum"])    # adds an embedded list
fruits.extend(["guava", "cherry"])   # adds each element separately
print(fruits.pop()) # removes and returns last element
print(len(fruits))  # len() is one of the built-in functions. See chapter on functions for more info
['apple', 'orange', 'kiwi', ['banana', 'plum'], 'guava', 'cherry']
['guava', ['banana', 'plum'], 'kiwi', 'orange', 'apple']

3.3.4. Collection type tuple: ()#

A tuple is an ordered immutable sequence of elements.

Ordered means that individual elements can be accessed using their index.
Immutable means that tuples cannot be changes once they are created.

As with string and list objects, slicing is a very important technique for working with them as long as they are not mutating operations. Accessing elements is done using square brackets []. Tuples are often encountered as return value of a method. Here are a few basic operations with tuples.

animals = ("bear", "horse", "ant")  # note the parentheses ()
print(animals[:2])                  # OK
animals += ("platypus", )           # surprisingly, OK 
#animals += ("platypus")            # Gives a TypeError because this is a string surrounded by parentheses
#animals[1:2] = ()                  # TypeError because tuples are immutable
('bear', 'horse')
('bear', 'horse', 'ant', 'platypus')

You may be puzzled by the above snippet. This is allowed:

animals += ("platypus", )

whereas this is not:

animals[1:2] = () 

Type tuple is immutable, but you can create a modified copy, which is exactly what happens in the first example. The second line attempts to delete an element which is not allowed.

It is very informative to visualize this kind of stuff in https://pythontutor.com/

3.3.5. Collection type set: {}#

A set is a collection type that can only hold unique values.
If a value is added that is already present this will have no effect (the value will be ignored).
If you attempt to add a mutable type (an unhashable element) you get a TypeError.

They are quite limited in functionality when comppared to other collection types: they are not sliceable or indexable (using brackets [index] or [from:to]).

Below you see the most-used usage scenarios.

animals = set()

## could also have been created as a literal: 
# animals = {'deer'}

{'deer', 'beetle'}
#animals.add(["gorilla", "horse"]) # TypeError, not immutable/hashable
animals.add(("zebra", "armadillo")) # OK


animals.remove("deer") # remove an element
{'deer', ('zebra', 'armadillo'), 'beetle'}
{('zebra', 'armadillo'), 'beetle'} Why sets (and dicts)?#

Although any collection in Python supports membership tests, like element in collection, sets have several properties that make them extremely useful.

  • Sets are guaranteed to have unique elements

  • Element lookup is extremely efficient: O(1) for sets (and dicts) instead of O(n) for lists

  • Sets support all operations of set theory (see below)

3.3.6. Set theory operations#

Given the sets depicted here; set A and B:


Where set A contains the elements {'apple', 'banana', 'kiwi'} and
set B contains the elements {'kiwi', 'orange', 'pear'}

  • the union of two sets is the set of elements that are in A or in B (A B)

  • the intersections of two sets is the set of elements that are in A and in B (A B)

  • set A and set B are disjoint if they have no elements in common.

  • set B is a proper subset of A if all elements of B are also in B but B A

  • the symmetric difference is the complement of the intersection

A = {'apple', 'banana', 'kiwi'}
B = {'kiwi', 'orange', 'pear'}

print(A | B)  # union, same as A.union(B)
print(A & B)  # intersection, same as A.intersection(B)
print(A in B) # subset
print(A ^ B)  # symmetric difference, same as A.symmetric_difference(B)
{'pear', 'apple', 'kiwi', 'orange', 'banana'}
{'pear', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana'}

3.3.7. Collection type dict: {}#

The last collection type discussed here is the dict, which is an abbreviation of dictionary.
It is used to hold mappings between keys and values, much like real dictionaries.

A dict can be created as a literal as follows:

fruit_supply = {'apple': 5, 'pear': 2, 'orange': 4}

This says “for key apple the corresponding value is 5, the value belonging to pear is 2 and the value of orange is 4”.

Like sets, the keys of a dict must be immutable types. There are no restrictions for the values. Also like sets, the keys are always unique. The values, however, may contain duplicates.
Values can be of any data type: numbers, strings, lists, other dicts, dedicated objects.

Dicts cannot be sliced. Finding values is done using dictionary[key].

zoo = {'lion' : 'Carl',
      'leopard' : ['Sue', "Lilith"],
      'rhino' : 'Bobolin'}


if (zoo.get('lion')):       # works because get() returns None when key is absent, and None evaulates to False
    print('we have lions!')

# better solution 
if ('lion' in zoo):
    print('we have lions!')


#print(zoo['giraffe'])     # gives a KeyError
print(zoo.get('giraffe'))  # returns None 
['Sue', 'Lilith']
we have lions!
we have lions!


Now take some time to figure out what the dict methods update() and pop() are intended for and how they are used. Try them out!
Feel free to try some other methods. Remember, help(dict) gives you almost all the information you need. Default vales#

A use case often encountered with dicts is collecting elements by a key. Suppose for instance we have a file containing these lines (file reading is discussed in a later chapter):

fruits = '''jonagold, apple
elstar, apple
conference, pear
junami, apple
doyenne, pear
opal, plum'''

fruits = fruits.split('\n')
['jonagold, apple',
 'elstar, apple',
 'conference, pear',
 'junami, apple',
 'doyenne, pear',
 'opal, plum']

Now, if we want to collect the different varieties of the fruit species in a dict, we could do something like this.

fruit_summary = dict()
for line in fruits:
    variety, species = line.split(', ')
    if species in fruit_summary:
        fruit_summary[species] = list()
{'apple': ['jonagold', 'elstar', 'junami'],
 'pear': ['conference', 'doyenne'],
 'plum': ['opal']}

Although correct, this is not very efficient. For each line, there are 2 or three key lookups: fruit_summary[species]; the keyword in also performs a lookup.
Enter default values!

fruit_summary = dict()
for line in fruits:
    variety, species = line.split(', ')
    fruit_summary.setdefault(species, []).append(variety)
{'apple': ['jonagold', 'elstar', 'junami'],
 'pear': ['conference', 'doyenne'],
 'plum': ['opal']}

Note that if you are only interested in counts, using only the base library you would do this:

fruit_summary = dict()
for line in fruits:
    variety, species = line.split(', ')
    fruit_summary.setdefault(species, 0)
    fruit_summary[species] += 1
{'apple': 3, 'pear': 2, 'plum': 1}

Again, we have two lookups. Two more advanced dict implementations can be of help here. The first is defaultdict. It needs a so-called factory method that will provide a value for a key that is not present yet:

from collections import defaultdict
fruit_summary = defaultdict(int) # int factory
for line in fruits:
    variety, species = line.split(', ')
    fruit_summary[species] += 1
defaultdict(int, {'apple': 3, 'pear': 2, 'plum': 1})

But since counting is done so often, there is even a more specialized type for this: Counter.

from collections import Counter
fruit_summary = Counter()
for line in fruits:
    variety, species = line.split(', ')
Counter({'apple': 3, 'pear': 2, 'plum': 1})

Note that the fruit has to be wrapped in a list, otherwise the string is processed as an iterable of individual letters.

3.3.8. Shared operations of collection types#

Many operations (operators and methods) are applicable to all or a subset of collection types. Slicing only works on sequence types (list, tuple, string), but not on dict or set. Here are some of the most-used collection operations.



x in s

True if x is an item in or member of s, False otherwise

x not in s

idem, reversed

s + t

the concatenation of s and t

s * n, n * s

n shallow copies of s concatenated


i‘th item of s, origin 0


slice of s from i to j


slice of s from i to j with step k


length of s


smallest item of s


largest item of s


index of the first occurence of i in s


total number of occurences of i in s

3.3.9. What do I need to memorize?#

Do you need to know all these string methods, and methods from other datatypes?


You will simply remember the ones you use most without any problem.
For the most part you will need to learn how to quickly find answers to your problems. Here are the resources that are most relevant (in logical order of usage):

  1. Use the dot operator within your editor. This usually suggests possible methods on an object (or class).

  2. use help() in Jupyter or the Python console, e.g. help(str)

  3. Use the python docs, in particular The Python Standard lLibrary

  4. ChatGPT or other LLM (note on next slide)

  5. GIYF (Google Is Your Friend)

  6. Ask a colleague/friend/random tech wizard on the street. Possibly preceeded by asking the debug duck

Also, it may be worth your while to have some cheat sheets copied to your Desktop (fysical or virtual).


Use the above (sequence of) resources to find out how to …

  • print three string variables as one, with a + between each string

  • split a sentence in a list of separate words

  • get a random number between 1 and 100

  • round a number to 2 decimals

3.3.10. Note on ChatGPT#

ChatGPT is a (real) game changer in programming. However, it is never unsure: it does make mistakes, and will serve utter nonsense with utter conviction. Given this snippet and output,

data = [4, 2, 'a', 'c', 6, True, 1, 0, False]
result = {x for x in data}
{0, 'a', 2, True, 4, 6, 'c'}

and the question “why do the values 1 and False not appear in this result, it answered this:


3.4. Key concepts#


  • collection: variable that is composed of multiple values i.e. list, set etc.

  • class: A blueprint for creating objects of that type. Classes define data and -mainly- behaviour in the form of methods. These methods may be blueprint-scoped (class methods) or instance-scoped (object methods).

  • immutable: Means that the collection or variable can not change.

  • keywords: The reserved words of the programming language. These include words like for, in, not etc.

  • scalar variable consisting of a single value.