Course program#

The basic setup of the lessons is: start with some theory, do some exercises, and then do some independent work on (bigger) assignments.

Program may vary

This schedule is a general idea; we will deviate from it depending on class learning pace and learning wishes.

Week 1 (1 half day)#

Session 1#

  • Course intro

  • Wishes and expectations

  • Anaconda

  • Jupyter notebooks

  • Python as calculator: scalars and operators

Week 2 (3 half days)#

Session 2#

  • Data types

  • Flow control

Session 3#

  • Markdown

  • Functions

Session 4#

  • Comments: how and when

  • File I/O

Week 3 (4 half days)#

Session 5#

  • Designing software by building with functions

  • Writing scripts and modules and using these

Session 6#

  • Bugs and errors: syntax, runtime, semantic errors

  • Standard library functions

  • Regular expressions (basics)

Session 7#

  • List comprehensions (basics)

  • Introduction of the programming challenges; choose final project

  • Work on final project. You will implement it under supervision and on location. When you are finished in week 4, you will discuss your work (code, design decisions) with your teacher and you will be graded.

Session 8#

  • Object-Oriented Programming (basics)

  • Work on final project

Week 4 (4 half days)#

Session 9#

  • Work on final project

Session 10#

  • Work on final project

Session 11#

  • Work on final project

  • Defence and grading of final project of early birds

Session 12#

  • Defence and grading of final project