28. Demo case refactoring#
28.1. Introduction#
This will be quite a long post. One I hope you will finish! If you want to follow along in the code base,
you should clone the repo. It is available at bitbucket.
Check out commit eaf007f
to have a look at the original project. It was created by a student of mine, a third year bioinformatics student who will remain anonymous. As final assignment of the course Introduction to Java programming, he wrote a
tool that can be used to read, summarize and filter files of the gff3
format (seehttps://www.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff3.html).
This flat-file format is used to describe (annotate) elements (features), such as genes and introns, on DNA molecules,
also supporting hierarchical or tree-like relationships. Here is a small example, copied (and slimmed down) from a much
larger file describing some piece of Potato DNA:
PGSC0003DMB000000010 BGI gene 1242814 1245448 . . . ID=PGSC0003DMG400000001;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks mRNA 1242814 1245444 . + . ID=PGSC0003DMT400000001;Parent=PGSC0003DMG400000001;Source_id=RNASEQ44.3678.0;Mapping_depth=48.922289;Class=1;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks mRNA 1242814 1245444 . + . ID=PGSC0003DMT400000002;Parent=PGSC0003DMG400000001;Source_id=RNASEQ44.3678.1;Mapping_depth=349.773769;Class=1;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks mRNA 1243971 1245448 . + . ID=PGSC0003DMT400000003;Parent=PGSC0003DMG400000001;Source_id=RNASEQ44.3678.2;Mapping_depth=52.447281;Class=1;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks exon 1242814 1243429 . + . ID=PGSC0003DME400000001;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000001,PGSC0003DMT400000002;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks exon 1243532 1243736 . + . ID=PGSC0003DME400000002;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000001,PGSC0003DMT400000002;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks intron 1243430 1243531 . + . ID=PGSC0003DMI400000001;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000001,PGSC0003DMT400000002;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 Cufflinks intron 1244851 1244983 . + . ID=PGSC0003DMI400000005;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000002;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 BestORF CDS 1243614 1243736 . + 0 ID=PGSC0003DMC400000001;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000001;
PGSC0003DMB000000010 BestORF CDS 1244206 1244487 . + 0 ID=PGSC0003DMC400000001;Parent=PGSC0003DMT400000001;
PGSC0003DMB000000155 BGI gene 1093109 1102125 . . . ID=PGSC0003DMG400000278;
It is a tab-separated file with this -abbreviated- specification:
Fields must be tab-separated. Also, all but the final field in each feature line must contain a value; “empty” columns should be denoted with a ‘.’
seqid - name/ID of the chromosome or segment
source - name of the program that generated this feature
type - type of feature.
start - Start position of the feature, starting at 1.
end - End position of the feature, starting at 1.
score - A floating point value.
strand - defined as + (forward) or - (reverse).
phase - One of ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘2’. ‘0’ indicates that the first base of the feature is the first base of a codon, ‘1’ that the second base is the first base of a codon, and so on.
attributes - A semicolon-separated list of tag=value pairs, providing additional information about each feature. Some of these tags are predefined, e.g. ID, Name, Alias, Parent.
I chose this particular project because (a) it is simple enough to be understood (b) complex enough to be a serious challenge (c) it had so many inline comments that the unintelligible code could be understood and (d) the functionality was (as far as I tested) not perfect, but OK. The student had implemented all the required use cases. But the code itself was written like a big old script, with many (naming) convention violations, OO violations, Encapsulation and Abstraction not applied. You’ll see many examples as we plod along.
I do not plan to finish the whole project here; there should be some challenge for you left.
28.1.1. Note on JUnit tests#
When taking over a code base like this, without any (J)Unit tests, it is a very good idea to develop JUnit tests in concert with your refactoring efforts. Take a look at the (too) few JUnit tests that I added to this project as well.
28.2. Get to know what is there#
First, of course, you need to run the tool in different modes and study the existing code base to what exactly is going on.
Running it in this mode -i data/gff3_sample.gff3 -s
will give a summary:
file gff3_sample.gff3
total number of features 22
molecules with features:
number of features 22
CDS 10
gene 1
three_prime_UT 4
mRNA 4
five_prime_UTR 3
That’s not really lined out but it’ll do for now.
Another use case, looking for features of a specific type -i data/gff3_sample.gff3 -ft mRNA
human15.1 . mRNA 214360 215771 . + . Comments=fixed+one+splice+junction;Parent=HsG8283;Evidence=7000000069743825;Transcript_type=Novel_Transcript;Name=Novel+Transcript%2C+variant+%28partial%29;ID=HsT20206
human15.1 . mRNA 214590 215772 . + . Comments=fixed+one+splice+site%0A;Parent=HsG8283;Evidence=7000000069600840;Transcript_type=Novel_Transcript;Name=Novel+Transcript%2C+variant+%28partial%29;ID=HsT20207
human15.1 . mRNA 214301 215769 . + . Parent=HsG8283;Evidence=7000000069974357;Transcript_type=Candidates+for+Deletion;Name=Novel+Transcript+%28partial%29;ID=HsT16028
human15.1 . mRNA 215218 215772 . + . Parent=HsG8283;Evidence=7000000069512231;Transcript_type=Novel_Transcript;Name=Novel+Transcript%2C+variant;ID=HsT16029
Some more use cases were carried out. There do not seem to major bugs.
This is the simple class and package layout of the project:
GffQuery (main)
This puzzles me a bit. I would expect something like GffLine to be in the model
and CLIParser
somewhere not in the io
package. We’ll get to that.
A first inspection of the classes is a bit of a scare. Here is class FileReader
package nl.bioinf.gff_query.io;
//imports omitted
public class FileReader {
public ArrayList<String> readFile(String raw_path) {
ArrayList<String> fileArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
Path path = Paths.get(raw_path);
try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(
Charset.defaultCharset())) {
String lineFromFile;
while ((lineFromFile = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException exception) {
System.out.println("Error while reading file, \"IOExceptio\", Did you give the correct location / does the " +
"file exist?");
return fileArrayList;
This class does nothing more than processing the input file into a list of lines. Hello! Streaming processing? These files can get in the Gigabytes size.
Moreover, it catches an exception only to generate a System.out.println
message. Some work to be done here for sure. Note the name raw_path
. This is somebody coming from Python, it seems.
Next class, main: GffQuery
. Take a minute to study its source before reading on. Note at least 5 points of improvement elegible for refactoring.
package nl.bioinf.gff_query;
//imports omitted
public class GffQuery {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// grab stuff from command line, try to parse.
CLIParser my_cli_parser = new CLIParser();
// try to parse
try {
// before anything else, try for printing the help
boolean help_present = my_cli_parser.cliHelpParse(args);
if (help_present) {my_cli_parser.printHelp();}
// parse the command line arguments
// if this worked, go on and grab all the arguments.
// but first check if the inputs are correct.
boolean correct_inputs = my_cli_parser.checkInputs();
if (!correct_inputs) {
System.out.println("Something went wrong when checking inputs, some may be incorrect, please " +
"refer to the help page or check if your input file is correct.");
else {
String[] parsed_arguments = my_cli_parser.returnArguments();
// handle stuff based on the case.
int mycase;
if (parsed_arguments[1].equals("true")) {
// case 1, print summary.
mycase = 1;
else {
// case 2, actually apply filters and stuff.
mycase = 2;
// before running the switch, read in file and make a GffFile object
String path = parsed_arguments[0];
FileReader filereader = new FileReader();
// read in the raw file and catch the resulting ArrayList
ArrayList fileArrayList = filereader.readFile(path);
if (fileArrayList.isEmpty()) {
mycase = 3;
// parse it to a GffFile object.
GffFile myGffFile = new GffFile(fileArrayList, path);
switch (mycase) {
case 1:
// do summary, not implemented as of yet.
case 2:
// apply all filters.
// create filters array
String[] filters = new String[5];
// filters has all filters like so;
// fetch_type, fetch_region, filter, fetch_children, find_wildcard
// parsed_arguments had this;
// infile, summary, fetch_type, fetch_region, fetch_children, find_wildcard, filter
filters[0] = parsed_arguments[2];
filters[1] = parsed_arguments[3];
filters[2] = parsed_arguments[6];
filters[3] = parsed_arguments[4];
filters[4] = parsed_arguments[5];
// put in filters and print results
if (myGffFile.toString().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Oops, no lines found! Try to apply different filters. or double " +
"check them. It might also be possible that the file did not contain any" +
" valid gff3 formatted lines.");
case 3:
System.out.println("empty or corrupt file.");
catch( ParseException exp ) {
// oops, something went wrong
System.err.println( "command line input parsing failed. please refer to the manual using the \"--help\" " +
"argument" );
So here are a few aspects that need to be addressed:
Every line of code is in one big main
This is a Many Responsibilities class
Naming convention violations all over
Too complex flow control
Not OO at all
and more
We’ll get to this class later.
The GffLine
, GffFile
and CLIParser
classes are similar in nature. I won’t show them all here. In this part, I would like to focus on class CLIParser
. To get it right, I will need to refactor in other places as well, but this will be my starting point. Why start here? This is a class that should have an obvious Single Responsibility: taking care of command-line arguments. Have a look at the code yourself first and think where you would start.
package nl.bioinf.gff_query.io;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import java.io.File;
public class CLIParser {
private Options options;
private Options help_options;
private CommandLine cmd;
private CommandLine help_cmd;
private DefaultParser parser;
private HelpFormatter formatter;
public CLIParser() {
// Create parser object
this.parser = new DefaultParser();
// create Options object
this.options = new Options();
this.help_options = new Options();
// add cli options
Option helpOption = Option.builder("h")
.desc("Gives program help.")
Option infileOption = Option.builder("i")
.desc("input gff3 file, e.g. \"gff3_sample.gff3\"")
Option summaryOption = Option.builder("s")
.desc("makes a summary of the gff3 file.")
Option fetchtypeOption = Option.builder("ft")
.desc("fetches type, e.g. \"CDS\"")
Option fetchregionOption = Option.builder("fr")
.desc("fetches region in between start..end, e.g. \"250000..260000\"")
Option fetchchildrenOption = Option.builder("fc")
.desc("input which Parent group attributes to sort on, e.g. \"PGSC0003DMT400039136\".")
Option findwildcardOption = Option.builder("fw")
.desc("input which wildcard, e.g. \"[dD]efesin\" to match on. (gff3 name attribute)")
Option filterOption = Option.builder("f")
.desc("miscellaneous filters, defined like" +
" so: \"source|score|orientation|maximum_length|minimum_length\"")
// create help
this.formatter = new HelpFormatter();
public void cliParse(String[] args) throws ParseException {
this.cmd = this.parser.parse(this.options, args);
public boolean checkInputs() {
// check which inputs exist and check them (if neccesary)
// check infile
if (this.cmd.hasOption("infile")) {
File f = new File(this.cmd.getOptionValue("infile"));
if(!(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory())) {
// raise error that file does not exist.
return false;
// check filter
if (this.cmd.hasOption("filter")) {
// check if filter has correct formatting. If it does not, return false
if (!this.cmd.getOptionValue("filter").matches(
"(.+\\|(\\d+|\\*|\\.)\\|(\\.|\\+|\\-|\\*)\\|(\\d+|\\*|\\.)\\|(\\d+|\\*|\\.))")) {
return false;
// check fetch region
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_region")) {
// check if fetch region has correct formatting.
if (!this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_region").matches("\\d+\\.\\.\\d+")){
return false;
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_type")) {
// check if not a bool.
if (this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_type").matches("(true|false)")) {
return false;
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_children")) {
// check if not a bool.
if (this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_children").matches("(true|false)")) {
return false;
if (this.cmd.hasOption("find_wildcard")) {
// check if not a bool.
if (this.cmd.getOptionValue("find_wildcard").matches("(true|false)")) {
return false;
return true;
public String[] returnArguments() {
String[] parsed_args = new String[7];
// build parsed_args array.
// it is filled with options/null respectively like so;
// infile, summary, fetch_type, fetch_region, fetch_children, find_wildcard, filter
// Options without arguments, will be false if not present, and true when present.
// Options with arguments, will also be false if not present, and their getOptionValue when present.
// keep all values strings to be consistent.
if (this.cmd.hasOption("infile")) {parsed_args[0] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("infile");}
else {parsed_args[0] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("summary")) {parsed_args[1] = "true";}
else {parsed_args[1] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_type")) {parsed_args[2] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_type");}
else {parsed_args[2] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_region")) {parsed_args[3] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_region");}
else {parsed_args[3] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("fetch_children")) {parsed_args[4] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("fetch_children");}
else {parsed_args[4] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("find_wildcard")) {parsed_args[5] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("find_wildcard");}
else {parsed_args[5] = "false";}
if (this.cmd.hasOption("filter")) {parsed_args[6] = this.cmd.getOptionValue("filter");}
else {parsed_args[6] = "false";}
return parsed_args;
public boolean cliHelpParse(String[] args) throws ParseException {
this.help_cmd = new DefaultParser().parse(this.help_options, args, true);
if(this.help_cmd.hasOption("help") || this.help_cmd.getArgs().length == 0) {
return true;
return false;
public void printHelp() {
// print the help or the version there. return true because help is printed
String footer = "//omitted for brievity//";
this.formatter.printHelp("GffQuery", "Version: 1.1-SNAPSHOT", this.options, footer, true);
Since I really -really- hate it when people don’t adhere to naming conventions, I’ll start there.
28.3. Refactor#
28.3.1. Rename variables and methods to adhere to Java standards.#
So, help_options
becomes helpOptions
, and help_cmd
becomes helpCommandLine
. You may
note the absence of help_cmd
in the final version. This is because there is no reason to maintain
it as an instance variable.
Remember by the way that methods should be verbs and variables should be nouns.
28.3.2. Extract string literal to constants#
As an example, you see the word “infile” typed several times:
Option infileOption = Option.builder("i").longOpt("infile")
, if (this.cmd.hasOption("infile"))
(2 times). So this is the next step: get these out of the real code.
public class CLIParser {
//much code omitted in this snippet!
public static final String OPTION_INFILE = "infile";
public static final String OPTION_SUMMARY = "summary";
public CLIParser() {
Option infileOption = Option.builder("i")
.desc("input gff3 file, e.g. \"gff3_sample.gff3\"")
public boolean checkInputs() {
// check which inputs exist and check them (if neccesary)
// check infile
if (this.cmd.hasOption(OPTION_INFILE)) {
File f = new File(this.cmd.getOptionValue("infile"));
if(!(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory())) {
// raise error that file does not exist.
return false;
Should the constants be public? Maybe, maybe not. Think about it.
28.3.3. Extract functionality from constructor code.#
Constructors should be short and readable, and only construct (maybe through calling other methods). What I sometimes even see is code like this:
public class MyApp{
public static void main(String[] args) {
//more code
That means there is application logic in the constructor that is not even called explicitly!
So here is the new constructor of the CLIParser class:
public CLIParser() {
this.parser = new DefaultParser();
It calls the buildOptions()
method to, well, build te options. This method creates both this.options = new Options();
and this.helpOptions = new Options();
. That seems a bit funny but this is a workaround for the problem with infileOption
being required. This will throw an exception if it is absent. That conflicts with the case where only help is requested.
28.3.4. Rename methods and variables to their real purpose.#
The method cliHelpParse()
does not parse help. No, its intent is to signal that help is requested:
public boolean cliHelpParse(String[] args) throws ParseException {
this.help_cmd = new DefaultParser().parse(this.help_options, args, true);
if(this.help_cmd.hasOption("help") || this.help_cmd.getArgs().length == 0) {
return true;
return false;
So I refactored it into the following version, with a more suitable name, the commandLine variable now being local, and the
not thrown anymore (this choice can be argued extensively).
public boolean isHelpRequested(String[] args) {
try {
CommandLine commandLine = this.parser.parse(this.helpOptions, args);
return (commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_HELP));
} catch (ParseException e) {
return true;
A variant to this solution could be:
public boolean isHelpRequested(String[] args) {
try {
CommandLine commandLine = this.parser.parse(this.options, args);
return (commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_HELP));
} catch (ParseException e) {
return true;
Here, the helpOption instance variable has been made obsolete, and in the catch block is is simply assumed that if anything goes wrong, help should be displayed. Which is the better?
Next, method public void cliParse(String[] args)
was renamed to public void parseCommandLineArguments(String[] args)
28.3.5. The Single Responsibility Principle#
The next aspect is the method public boolean checkInputs() {}
. Is class CLIParse the place to do this? What if some other
means of options specification is implemeted, e.g. a GUI form? These options will need to be checked all the same. I think
should not be in that class. But where else? Main? No, I think checking options, and keeping track of options,
should be the responsibility of a separate class. So that is where they’ll go. I created class GffAnalysisOptions
and put
option checking in it:
public class GffAnalysisOptions {
private String inFile;
private boolean summary;
private String searchType;
private String searchRegion;
private String searchChildren;
private String searchWildcard;
private String searchFilter;
//getters and setters
public boolean checkCorrectnessOfInputs() {
//checking code
28.3.6. Use basic OOP principles#
So, finally, there is this method (abbreviated):
public String[] returnArguments() {
String[] parsed_args = new String[7];
// build parsed_args array.
// it is filled with options/null respectively like so;
// infile, summary, fetch_type, fetch_region, fetch_children, find_wildcard, filter
// Options without arguments, will be false if not present, and true when present.
// Options with arguments, will also be false if not present, and their getOptionValue when present.
// keep all values strings to be consistent.
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_INFILE)) {parsed_args[0] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("infile");}
else {parsed_args[0] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_SUMMARY)) {parsed_args[1] = "true";}
else {parsed_args[1] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_TYPE)) {parsed_args[2] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("fetch_type");}
else {parsed_args[2] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_REGION)) {parsed_args[3] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("fetch_region");}
else {parsed_args[3] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_REGION)) {parsed_args[4] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("fetch_children");}
else {parsed_args[4] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FIND_WILDCARD)) {parsed_args[5] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("find_wildcard");}
else {parsed_args[5] = "false";}
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FILTER)) {parsed_args[6] = this.commandLine.getOptionValue("filter");}
else {parsed_args[6] = "false";}
return parsed_args;
Auch! This hurts. A String[] with “false” values stored in it. Moreover, the code is so obfuscated that it needs many lines of
comments. Why didn’t this student think of an Options class of some kind, like GffAnalysisOptions
(shown above)?
So here I wrote a replacement method for it:
public GffAnalysisOptions getAnalysisOptions() {
GffAnalysisOptions gffAnalysisOptions = new GffAnalysisOptions();
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_INFILE)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_SUMMARY)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_TYPE)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_REGION)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_CHILDREN)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FIND_WILDCARD)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FILTER)) {
return gffAnalysisOptions;
Of course, these options need to be processed further - primarily the filter option - before they can be put to use.
To replace the (fortunately localized) usage of the String[]
with an GffAnalysisOptions
instance, I switched to
class GffQuery
and eased it in:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//much more code
String[] parsedArguments = cliParser.returnArguments();
GffAnalysisOptions analysisOptions = cliParser.getAnalysisOptions();
//TODO replace use of parsedArguments with analysisOptions
//more code
// handle stuff based on the case.
int mycase;
if (parsedArguments[1].equals("true")) {
// case 1, print summary.
mycase = 1;
else {
// case 2, actually apply filters and stuff.
mycase = 2;
//much more code, also like this:
// infile, summary, fetch_type, fetch_region, fetch_children, find_wildcard, filter
filters[0] = parsedArguments[2];
filters[1] = parsedArguments[3];
filters[2] = parsedArguments[6];
filters[3] = parsedArguments[4];
filters[4] = parsedArguments[5];
It is extremely tempting to refactor the other ugly code as well, such as the mycase = 1
ot the String[] filters
, but restraint is very important in this kind of operation.
So, only refactor out the use of parsedArguments
now, and keep on writing and running your JUnit tests to verify no functionality gets broken:
if (analysisOptions.isSummaryRequested()) {
// if (parsedArguments[1].equals("true")) {
// case 1, print summary.
mycase = 1;
else {
// case 2, actually apply filters and stuff.
mycase = 2;
// before running the switch, read in file and make a GffFile object
String path = analysisOptions.getInFile();//parsedArguments[0];
//more code
String[] filters = new String[5];
// filters has all filters like so;
// fetch_type, fetch_region, filter, fetch_children, find_wildcard
// parsedArguments had this;
// infile, summary, fetch_type, fetch_region, fetch_children, find_wildcard, filter
filters[0] = analysisOptions.getSearchType();
filters[1] = analysisOptions.getSearchRegion();
filters[2] = analysisOptions.getSearchFilter();
filters[3] = analysisOptions.getSearchChildren();
filters[4] = analysisOptions.getSearchWildcard();
// filters[0] = parsedArguments[2];
// filters[1] = parsedArguments[3];
// filters[2] = parsedArguments[6];
// filters[3] = parsedArguments[4];
// filters[4] = parsedArguments[5];
Now the returnArguments()
method can be removed. Do NOT comment it out because it clutters your code that is finally becoming readable.
If you want it back (or have a look at it), simply go to a previous commit.
28.3.7. Remove unneccesary comments#
Good code reads like a book! If you need it for yourself, your code is probably not very good.
API methods should be very well documented of course, but inline comments or private methods comments should ideally not be necessary. Keep them to a minimum! They get outdated and are becoming damaging by themselves. A comment like /*builds the options*/
is entirely unnecessary!
28.3.8. The result#
This is the CLIParser
class after complete refactoring:
package nl.bioinf.gff_query.io;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
public class CLIParser {
public static final String OPTION_HELP = "help";
public static final String OPTION_INFILE = "infile";
public static final String OPTION_SUMMARY = "summary";
public static final String OPTION_FETCH_TYPE = "fetch_type";
public static final String OPTION_FETCH_REGION = "fetch_region";
public static final String OPTION_FETCH_CHILDREN = "fetch_children";
public static final String OPTION_FIND_WILDCARD = "find_wildcard";
public static final String OPTION_FILTER = "filter";
/*private -> testing*/ Options options;
/*private -> testing*/ CommandLine commandLine;
private DefaultParser parser;
private HelpFormatter formatter;
private Options helpOptions;
public CLIParser() {
this.parser = new DefaultParser();
private void buildOptions() {
this.options = new Options();
this.helpOptions = new Options();
Option helpOption = Option.builder("h")
.desc("Gives usage instructions")
Option infileOption = Option.builder("i")
.desc("The input gff3 file, as absolute or relative path")
Option summaryOption = Option.builder("s")
.desc("lists a summary of the gff3 file")
Option fetchtypeOption = Option.builder("ft")
.desc("Lists all features of the requested type, e.g. \"CDS\"")
Option fetchregionOption = Option.builder("fr")
.desc("Lists all the features that reside completely within the given region; specified as start..end, e.g. \"250000..260000\"")
Option fetchchildrenOption = Option.builder("fc")
.desc("Lists all child features of the given feature ID, e.g. \"PGSC0003DMT400039136\"")
Option findwildcardOption = Option.builder("fw")
.desc("Lists all features for which the \"name\" attribute matches the given wildcard, specified as regex pattern, " +
"e.g. \"[dD]efesin\"")
Option filterOption = Option.builder("f")
.desc("Lists all features that pass all of the given filters specified in the format string defined as" +
": \"source|score|orientation|maximum_length|minimum_length\" where the filters should be relevant to the " +
"given attribute. Suppression of an individual filter is indicated using an asterisk (*)." +
"ORIENTATION should be defined using a \"+\", \"-\" or \".\" character")
public void printHelp() {
this.formatter = new HelpFormatter();
String footer = "\nPaths are platform independent.";
this.formatter.printHelp("GffQuery", "Version: 1.1-SNAPSHOT", this.options, footer, true);
public boolean isHelpRequested(String[] args) {
try {
CommandLine commandLine = this.parser.parse(this.options, args);
return (commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_HELP));
} catch (ParseException e) {
return true;
public void parseCommandLineArguments(String[] args) throws ParseException {
this.commandLine = this.parser.parse(this.options, args);
public GffAnalysisOptions getAnalysisOptions() {
GffAnalysisOptions gffAnalysisOptions = new GffAnalysisOptions();
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_INFILE)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_SUMMARY)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_TYPE)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_REGION)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FETCH_CHILDREN)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FIND_WILDCARD)) {
if (this.commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_FILTER)) {
return gffAnalysisOptions;
28.4. Take over#
I challenge you to now take class GffQuery
and make it look good! Check out tag 0.2 of branch master
(commit 19a08f4).