Module: Introductie Java

Gegevensveld Waarde
Osiriscode BFVH3JAVA
Toetsvorm Computertentamen
Minimum cijfer 5,5
Docent(en) NOMI
Contactpersoon NOMI
Voertaal Nederlands

Cursusdoelen (leerdoelen)

After attending this course, students will have knowledge of, and can apply the following aspects to small-scale programming tasks:

  • The Java programming language elements: syntax, methods, classes, interfaces, enums
  • Object-oriented concepts: inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulation
  • IO, regular expressions, Exceptions and Collections.
  • Using the IntelliJ Idea IDE for programming, refactoring and version control.
  • Basic usage of Gradle project management (in concordance with IntelliJ)
  • Running JUnit test cases using IntelliJ


During this introductory course you will learn to program in Java, how to create a very basic Object-Oriented design, work with the IntelliJ Idea IDE and use git as a version control system.

Assessment There will be a computer assessment with a duration of 2 hours. Several questions and small programming assignments will test your skills and knowledge of the different aspects of the Java programming language. Some aspects of this course (mainly IO and the Object-Oriented design aspects) will (also) be tested in the context of the theme 9 practical project Praktijkopdracht.

Literatuur en andere bronnen






  • Hoor/werkcollege



Ingangseisen toets




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