Module: Web-based informatiesystemen 1

Gegevensveld Waarde
Osiriscode BFVH4WBI1
Toetsvorm Computertentamen
Minimum cijfer 5,5
Docent(en) NOMI
Contactpersoon NOMI
Voertaal Nederlands

Cursusdoelen (leerdoelen)

After successfully attending this course, students will be

  • familiar with the different aspects of web application development; both server- and client-side and the connection between them (http).
  • able to design a web application for a given a problem, and specify the responsibilities and interactions between the different components.
  • able to work with Java web technology at a basic level: Servlets and Tomcat
  • able to use the Thymeleaf template system as view in their projects.
  • able to use a MySQL database as a data layer of a web application
  • able to use the IntelliJ Idea IDE to perform all of the programming tasks associated with web application development


This course will introduce you to several aspects related to designing and creating a dynamic web application using Java web technology and MySQL for the back-end. You will learn about the following concepts and techniques, how they interact within a modern dynamic web application, and how to apply them:

  • HTTP and its methods GET and POST
  • User authentication and sessions
  • Java web application components: Servlets
  • Thymeleaf templates
  • (MySQL) Database persistence of user data
  • Web application design using the Model View Control design paradigm
  • Organizing project code and data using version control using git and Bitbucket (

assessment There will be a 2-hour computer assessment to test your skills in the different aspects. The Java Gitbook will be available as a resource.

Literatuur en andere bronnen






  • Hoor/werkcollege



Ingangseisen toets



  • It is very strongly advised to take the course “Introduction to Java programming” first, since this course relies heavily on Java coding skills and development tools.
  • We also assume you know some basics about HTML(5) and CSS.

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